Academic Management

Empower Academic Success Unleashing the Power of Integrated Academic Management Tools


Streamline Attendance Tracking for Enhanced Student Engagement and Accountability

With our user-friendly attendance tracking system, effortlessly streamline the process of recording and managing student attendance. Increase student engagement and accountability by tracking attendance patterns, identifying trends, and promptly addressing any attendance-related concerns.

Our comprehensive attendance tracking solution empowers educators to create a positive learning environment while ensuring students' active participation and fostering a culture of responsibility.

Efficient Homework and Assignment Management: Simplify Task Tracking and Grading

Our powerful software simplifies the management of homework and assignments, allowing educators to easily assign tasks, track submissions, and streamline grading processes.

Stay organized and save time with automated assignment tracking, submission reminders, and efficient grading workflows. Provide timely feedback to students, encourage their progress, and foster a collaborative learning environment where students can manage their tasks effectively and educators can focus on delivering impactful instruction.


Insightful Gradebook and Progress Tracking: Monitor Student Performance and Progress

Monitor student performance and progress comprehensively with our insightful gradebook and progress tracking feature. Effortlessly record and analyze grades, generate detailed progress reports, and gain valuable insights into students' strengths and areas for improvement.

Enable effective communication between teachers, parents, and students to collaboratively support academic growth. With our advanced tracking capabilities, educators can make data-driven decisions, personalize instruction, and empower students to reach their full potential.

Discover all our Solutions


Website Development

Create and customize a school website.

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Messaging and Communication

Enable seamless communication channels.

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Academic Management

Streamline academic processes.

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Event Management

Simplify the scheduling and coordination of school events.

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Parent Engagement

Develop a dedicated portal for parents to access their child's academic progress.

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Student Performance

Track and showcase student achievements, projects and extracurricular activities.

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Teacher Management

Provide a module for administrators to manage teacher payments.

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Financial Management

Streamline expense tracking.

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Exam and Test Management

Empower teachers to create and manage online exams and tests.

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Online Learning Materials

Offer a repository of digital resources.

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Behavior Tracking

Implement a system to record and monitor student behavior.

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Resource Management

Efficiently manage and allocate resources within the institution.

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